摘要:2016年,中国工业呈现出“缓中趋稳、有限复苏”的总体特征。工业行业结构继续呈现高端迈进态势,中部地区工业继续领跑,东北地区工业增长乏力,京津冀地区工业增速走势分化,工业投资增速回落,但投资结构优化,工业出口和PPI增速实现正增长,工业企业利润延续了增长态势。但是我国经济运行中仍存在不少突出矛盾和问题,主要表现为实体经济与虚拟经济、国有投资与民间投资、国内投资与国外投资失衡,此外回款难问题凸显。模型预测结果显示,2017年规模以上工业增加值增速为6%的概率很大。当前形势下,要实质性推进供给侧结构性改革,提高工业生产要素质量和创新工业生产要素资源配置机制,推动工业增长方式从劳动力和物质要素总量投入驱动主导转向了知识和技能等创新要素驱动主导。处理好实体经济与虚拟经济的关系、振兴实体经济、遏制“脱实向虚”趋势是推进供给侧结构性改革的一项主要任务。Abstract:In 2016,the general characteristic of Chinese industrial economy was “stabilization with a tendency of slowing down and a limited recovery”.The industrial structure continued to show the high-grade trend,the central region was the pace setter and the northeast region’s industrial growth was feeble,Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional industrial growth trend became divided inside,industrial investment growth rated down,but the investment structure optimization,the growth of industrial exports and PPI achieved positive,profits of industrial enterprises continued the growth trend.However,there were still many outstanding contradictions and problems in China’s economic operation,which showed serious deviation of the real economy and virtual economy,state-owned investment and private investment,domestic investment and foreign investment.In addition,there was an increase in accounts receivable.According to the results of model prediction,in 2017 the industrial added value growth rate above a designated scale would fell to 6%.Under the current situation,we must substantially push forward the structural reform of the supply-side,improve the quality of industrial production factors and innovate the resource allocation mechanism of industrial production factors,promote the industrial growth pattern from the total input of labor and material factors driven to knowledge and skills and other innovative elements driven dominance.Dealing with the relationship between real economy and virtual economy,revitalizing the real economy and curbing the trend of“getting rid of the real to the virtual”is a major task to push forward the structural reform of supply-side.
Abstract: In 2016, China's industry showed the overall characteristics of "slow stabilization and limited recovery". The industrial structure continues to show a high-end trend, the industry in the central region continues to lead, the industrial growth in the northeast region is weak, the industrial growth rate in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is differentiated, and the growth rate of industrial investment has declined, but the investment structure is optimized, the growth rate of industrial exports and PPI has achieved positive growth, and the profits of industrial enterprises have continued to grow. However, there are still many prominent contradictions and problems in China's economic operation, mainly manifested in the imbalance between the real economy and the virtual economy, state-owned investment and private investment, domestic investment and foreign investment, and the difficulty of collecting money is prominent. The model prediction results show that the growth rate of industrial added value above designated size in 2017 is very likely. Under the current situation, it is necessary to substantially promote supply-side structural reform, improve the quality of industrial production factors and innovate the resource allocation mechanism of industrial production factors, and promote the mode of industrial growth from being driven by the total input of labor and material factors to being driven by innovative factors such as knowledge and skills. Properly handling the relationship between the real economy and the virtual economy, revitalizing the real economy, and curbing the trend of "turning from real to virtual" is a major task to promote supply-side structural reform. Abstract:In 2016,the general characteristic of Chinese industrial economy was “stabilization with a tendency of slowing down and a limited recovery”. The industrial structure continued to show the high-grade trend,the central region was the pace setter and the northeast region’s industrial growth was feeble,Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional industrial growth trend became divided inside,industrial investment growth rated down,but the investment structure optimization,the growth of industrial exports and PPI achieved positive, profits of industrial enterprises continued the growth trend. However,there were still many outstanding contradictions and problems in China’s economic operation,which showed serious deviation of the real economy and virtual economy,state-owned investment and private investment,domestic investment and foreign investment. In addition,there was an increase in accounts receivable. According to the results of model prediction,in 2017 the industrial added value growth rate above a designated scale would fell to 6%. Under the current situation,we must substantially push forward the structural reform of the supply-side,improve the quality of industrial production factors and innovate the resource allocation mechanism of industrial production factors,promote the industrial growth pattern from the total input of labor and material factors driven to knowledge and skills and other innovative elements driven dominance. Dealing with the relationship between real economy and virtual economy,revitalizing the real economy and curbing the trend of“getting rid of the real to the virtual”is a major task to push forward the structural reform of supply-side.(AI翻译)
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图书 中国工业经济运行年度报告.2019—2020
图书 中国工业经济运行年度报告.2017—2018
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图书 中国工业经济运行年度报告.2015~2016
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图书 中国工业经济运行年度报告:2018-2019
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图书 中国工业经济运行夏季报告.2016
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图书 中国工业经济运行秋季报告.2017
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图书 中国工业经济运行夏季报告.2015
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图书 中国工业经济运行夏季报告.2020
图书 中国工业经济运行夏季报告.2020